
We accept cancellation of an order before the product is shipped or produced. If the order is successfully canceled, you will receive a full refund. We cannot cancel the order if the product has already been shipped.

Return (if applicable)

We accept returns of products. Customers have the right to request a return within 30 days of delivery of the goods.

The condition for a return is that the item is unused and in the same condition as the packaging in which you received it and that the product is in its original packaging. For returns we require a receipt or proof of purchase. Please contact our customer service to make sure you send your package to the correct address.


Custom designed or personalized items are not eligible for a 14-day refund.

If the return is not due to a quality problem, the customer will bear the reasonable shipping costs for the return, which will depend on the courier company you choose.

If the return is necessary due to the product, i.e. the goods received are damaged or not functional, the customer does not have to bear the shipping costs.

Important! The customer will not be charged any costs for returning the goods.

Refund (if applicable)

Once we receive and inspect your returned product, we will send you an email confirming receipt and informing you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If the refund is approved, it will be processed and automatically refunded to your original payment account within a certain number of days (within 30 days). If the refund is rejected, you will be notified by email of the corresponding reason and how to proceed.

Delayed or lost refunds (if applicable)

If you have not received your refund within the relevant time frame, please first check your bank account. If the relevant refund information is not available, please contact the bank of your account first, as it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

If you have done so and still have not received your refund, please contact us at support@sohimi.de.

Please contact our customer service at support@sohimi.de to find out the return address.